Apps to Help You Get a Beach Body
Three apps to help you get summer time fine and lock in that beach body you’ve always wanted.
March is finally here so that means that spring is right around the corner. If you’re anything like me you’re tired of the cold, and I can’t wait for maxi dress and flip flop weather. Of course as the seasons change and we start to shed those winter layers, we’ve also got to get our bodies underneath together too. So I’ve got a couple of apps to help you trim the fat and tone up for the perfect beach body.

An important part of fitness– probably the most important part– is watching what we eat. How many calories we take in, how much of that is fat calories, so Calorie Counter by Fat Secret is perfect! I love this little app when I am trying to watch my weight, it allows you to keep a digital diary of what you eat for each meal. It gives you a running tab of how many calories you’ve eaten to help you stay on track. You can set your calorie limit so it let’s you know how many calories you have consumed versus how many you have left for that day. You can also put in the amount of exercise you’ve done that day as well.
The app includes a bar code scanner function to allow you to scan items or you can manually input the bar code information. Calorie Counter also has nutritional information for your favorite restaurants so no need to get off track when you are dining out with friends. It also gives you a little pat on the back when you stay under or met your daily calorie goal. I don’t know about you be we could all use a little positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.
Nike + Running

The title pretty much sums it up right, Nike and running. I did a 5K last year (have another two coming up this year) and the Nike + Running app helped me get my endurance and running pace together. I am someone who needs to zone out when I run so I love that the app allows me to pull in my own music from my phone, Spotify, iTunes Radio or you can even listen to AudioBooks if that is your thing. If you take a pause in your run, the app pauses the music. There is also a coaching function in the app that will provide daily workouts to help you get fit.
You can also invite friends to do runs with you or compete with the app, so even if you and your BFF can’t get to the same location at the same time, you can still motivate or compete with each other if she’s got the Nike app. I’m thinking person with the best time buys the next round of smoothies. You can also share your run times, distances and even pictures from before, during and after with social media. You never know who you could motivate with your post or even use it as a way to hold yourself accountable it’s a win/win.
Nike+ Training Club

I know, I know, you’re thinking didn’t she just show me a Nike app? But this one is different the other one focuses on running while the Nike+ Training Club is, all around exercising. I have them both on my phone and they’re great! This one is more like a trainer in your phone. This app has tons of workouts for you to choose from designed Nike trainers to help you get in shape.
There are also levels so you don’t have to be a super athlete to use this. You can also customize different drills that work best for you. You can even choose from different programs with things outlined to help you meet specific goals.Also similar to the Nike Running app, you can share your progress on your social sites with your friends.
These are my go to apps when I want to start or restart, because I have quite a few restarts on my fitness journey. They can help and they’re always with you right there on your phone. Remember Summer bodies are made in the winter.