Nutrition is the Mission: How to Avoid the Temptation of Bad Eating Habits
It is a common misconception that fitness is solely determined by the work you do in the gym, but this is far from the truth. Nutrition is the mission. Fitness is maintained not just in your kitchen at home, but also in your office and when you are dining out. When you decide to work on your body, you must take your diet just as seriously as your workout routine.
Based on personal experience, it is not easy to stick to a diet and be around people who may not be on the same nutrition plan. Here are a few scenarios you may be familiar with:

You walk into the office on hump day and one of your co-workers has brought in an entire box of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to brighten everyone’s mood. Clearly she did not have you in mind. You go into the kitchen only to catch yourself staring at the doughnut with strawberry icing and rainbow sprinkles. Ughhhh! Why are the sweet tooth gods tempting you in such a evil way!?[/one_half]
The family decides to go to Red Lobster for Sunday dinner. This seems like a good idea because you know that you can order a great salmon dish and resist all temptation, but then the warm cheddar biscuits arrive! Your family members dive in and chomp away on the warm buttery biscuits as you sit and wonder why you decided to come out in the first place. Thanks for the support everyone. 😑[/one_half]
These scenarios are just two examples of the temptations you’ll likely have to dealt with as you enhance your lifestyle, but not to fear! (Throws on super hero cape) I am here to save the day!
Here are a few ways for you to stick to your diet no matter what else everyone is doing around you. Whether you are out eating with family or at work dodging doughnuts in the office, here are a few things I have learned about avoiding the temptation of bad eating.

Be sure to lay out your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week so that there are no excuses when it is time to eat. What should you include in each of your meals? My rule is meat, veggies, and carbs. I personally enjoy salmon, spinach and brown rice. For breakfast I stick to oatmeal, fruit, eggs (boiled), yogurt, turkey bacon and granola.
Be sure keep a few snacks in your purse at all times. Cut up some apples, pack some grapes, yogurt, almonds– anything light and healthy to take with you throughout the day. This will prevent you from grabbing the wrong foods on-the-go. Other snack options can be babybel cheeses, granola bars, peanut butter with apples or a protein shake as a meal replacement.
I love doing this because it allows me to make healthier choices ahead of time. Pick a dish that is within your nutrition plan and stick with it, no matter what anyone else around you may order.
If you see a dish with sides that may not be as healthy as you would like, ask your server if you can substitute items. Instead of fries get a salad! Get your chicken grilled instead of fried. Go ahead and get the burger, but remove the cheese.
If you order a salad, request that your dressing be placed on the side so that you are able to control the amount of dressing you are eating.
Pro Tip: I always make the decision to choose water instead of carbonated or sugary beverages. Your body needs as much water as it can get. Many people do not realize how many calories and sugars they consume in beverages alone. Do yourself a favor and order a water with lemon, it is much better for you.

Some sauces to avoid are ketchup, honey mustard, barbecue, ranch and thousand island dressing. Basically, stay away anything rich and creamy. If you absolutely have something to dip your food in, try Sriracha or yellow mustard. Both are very low in sugars and calories.
I too am guilty of this, but it is something I have been working on. If you leave the house on a empty stomach to head to Red Lobster, do not be shocked if you want to eat the entire basket of biscuits.Before you leave home make sure that you eat something small– not so big that it fills you up, but not too small that your stomach is screaming “Hello up there!!” Curbing and controlling your appetite is a lot easier when you don’t let yourself become famished. The more often you eat small healthy things, the less you will over eat during major meals.
You don’t have to restrict yourself to your kitchen when you are trying to better your health. Do not be afraid to go out with friends and family, or to attend the office meetings with the breakfast sweets. Just keep these tips in mind and I am sure that you will make some wonderful nutrition decisions.