In Case of Emergency, Open These Apps
September is National Preparedness Month so we’re going to introduce you to three apps that could help save a life.
There is no such thing as being too prepared, and in this crazy world we live in you just never know what could happen. Most people use this month to emphasize or create disaster or emergency family plans. But what if you’re in an accident while you’re driving by yourself? It is best to have a plan of action in place for any type of emergency that could come your way before you find yourself in said emergency. Take the time to check out these apps before it’s too late.

Did you know that you can create a medical ID with the built-in Health app? You can input critical medical information such as blood type, allergies and existing medical conditions in the event of an emergency where you are unable to convey this information verbally.
In case of an emergency, in the lower left hand of the screen, the information is there so paramedics or good Samaritans can quickly get critical information. They don’t have to unlock your phone to get the information. Like a digital medical bracelet, I mean how often are we without our phone?

Whenever there is a disaster on any scale, the American Red Cross is always involved to help with the recovery process. This app comes loaded with all types of tools to help make sure you are prepared. It gives you instructions on how to make a step by step family plan in case of emergencies. The Emergency app even has a feature for you to get a notification if family members are safe or not following an emergency. It provides you with locations of the nearest Red Cross shelters. This app is free and available for iOS and Android.

American Red Cross also has a First Aid app that can guide you on how to perform first aid based on the scenario. Someone collapses in front of you, they go into diabetic shock, it will walk you through what to do and how you can help them. Of course this isn’t an substitute for a paramedic or emergency personnel, but sometimes the life saving first aid provided by someone there can be the difference between life and death. Me personally I only know CPR so knowing a little more definitely doesn’t hurt. Especially when it’s right on hand in my smartphone.

Now all these apps are great and can be extremely helpful, but what happens if your phone dies?? We all tend to live in an age where that Indy an option. Emergency circumstances even more so, when’s the last time you saw a pay phone? How generous are we with lending our phone to someone else it better yet even asking someone? It’s always good to have a portable battery pack– or a better yet, invest in a Mophie (phone charging case) that way you don’t have to worry about it. Charge the case when you charge the phone and you’re all set to go.