Melanie Fiona featuring Bridget Kelly LIVE at DC’s Rock & Roll Hotel [VIDEO]
EOS & RocNation presents Melanie Fiona featuring Bridget Kelly &Elijah Blake
This Monday, November 11, 2013 the amazing people of EOS (evolution of smooth) and RocNation presented Melanie Fiona live in concert at DC’s Rock & Roll Hotel. The 8pm show, which was free general admission, saw a line wrapped around the H St. neighborhood by 6pm. I pulled up at 7:45 worried that I may not get in, but rode around looking for parking and made my way anyway. With nothing to worry about, me and my roommate got in! At the entrance was an adorable picture booth, complete with costumes and props. Moving, signature EOS .gifs were created via iPad. KIND Healthy Snacks was also a sponsor and their spokesmodels were handing out different flavors of their popular snack bars at the door. At 8 o’clock sharp, the show started and male vocalist Elijah Blake took the stage singing singles from his upcoming debut EP and the song he penned for Grammy Award winning R&B artist Usher, “Climax.”
Bridget Kelly can BLOW!
With a brief intermission, Bridget Kelly hit the stage belting out her tunes and blew the crowd away with an evocative vocal performance. It was my first time seeing any of them live and I’m almost surprised what a powerhouse little Bridget is. I actually, found myself at the afterparty on Eden’s rooftop in Northwest, D.C. and Bridget was there enjoying the city. DJ Jerome Baker III asked her to take the stage, and she played a new track, featuring LA rapper Kendrick Lamar and sung along to the track, still in amazing voice. Her passion was obvious Monday night and it was such a pleasure to have experienced her.
Then, the main event: Melanie Fiona!
By the time Melanie Fiona was preparing to hit the stage, with the help of a rather large bouncer, I made way as close to the front as I could without stepping within the roped off VIP section. Excitedly, I prepared for what I just knew would be a dynamic performance, and Melanie Fiona brought it! She danced, joked with the crowd and even performed covers of fellow Torontonian rapper Drake’s “Started from the Bottom” and, because she was in DC, rapper Wale’s “Bad.” Check out the video of Melanie Fiona singing “Bad” here!

She tossed out two sweat towels into the crowd and I caught the second one! At the end of the night, she changed hats, from a fierce fleece wide-brim, to an MF snapback baring her name. She announced that at the end of each show she gives that cap to her most dedicated fan, and adorned a cute little girl in the front row who apparently knew every word to every song she sung. I thought that was the sweetest thing and it obviously made “Tay’s” night. Just look at that smile! Among the song’s Fiona performed, she sung hit singles, “Give it to me Right,” “4 AM,” “It Kills Me,” “Fool for You” and my album favorite, “I Been that Girl.” Watch her perform “Fool for You” below!
After the show
I was really hoping to meet the acts, but things didn’t look too well so I left. Under the positive peer pressure of my friends, they told me to go back and try to get in the meet & greet. Well, after a little persuasion and Rock & Roll Hotel and EOS staff wanting to see satisfied guests, I was granted access and caught this awesome shot with the performers. Melanie Fiona was so gracious and hugged me immediately asking my name. I told them all they did an amazing job, and that “they call me BobbyPen.” Melanie Fiona thought it was a cute nickname and Bridget Kelly said, “…and she’s got her brand on her shirt! I know that’s right, girl.” I was so flattered! This smile is completely genuine as I had a great night!
Special thank you to The Fire of Mila & Fire vintage for passing along her passes, because I wouldn’t have been there with her. Thank you to security at Rock & Roll Hotel for not being a pain in the you-know-what like some other venues. And finally, thank you to EOS and RocNation for bringing such an amazing and well-put-together show to Washington, D.C. Enjoy this image gallery below, and be sure to follow the acts on Twitter and Instagram:
@MelanieFiona | @myMFlife
@theycallmeBK | @eyesofBK
@SirElijahBlake | @sirelijhablake
Follow me too!
@bobbypen | @thebobbypen