So You Mad Now? A Deeper Look Into VH1’s Newest Show “Sorority Sisters”

As a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., the new VH1 show “Sorority Sisters” is a mockery of what it means to be in a sisterhood. It portrays the members of predominantly Black sororities as catty, loud, and for lack of a better word bitchy.
The reason why I became a member of Zeta Phi Beta was because the principles they were founded upon. The women of my chapter exuded finer womanhood, scholarship, sisterly love, and community service. My prophytes would snatch the letters off my chest if I ever portrayed Zeta in the manner these woman have portrayed their respective organizations.
But, enough of the plot summary… My biggest qualm right now isn’t even with the show but, with outrage over the petition.
The National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations have banded together and started an online petition to have this show yanked off the air. Now, VH1 has already issued a statement saying they will not be pulling this show off the air. However, the petition has caused some big sponsors to pull out of advertising slots during air time.
It’s a small victory in the grander scheme of things but, now several people are outraged that other programming is still allowed to flourish.
Did I see you start an online petition expressing your distaste of love & hip-hop? No… But, did I see you reposting a meme of Stevie J on instagram? yes… See this here is where the problem lies.
If you haven’t vocally stated that this programming disturbs you, then no one knows its a problem for you. If I see you supporting said programming (via tweet or otherwise) I going to think you like said programming. Furthermore, why isn’t anyone viewing this as a trojan horse? NPHC has already opened the door on Mona Scott- Young and VH1. If Love & Hip-Hop, Basketball Wives, or any other programming that’s portrays the Black community in a negative light is your qualm… now is your time to speak up. Why bash someone else for something you haven’t even attempted to do yet? Why be upset that NPHC organizations felt that Sorority Sisters was the straw that broke the camel’s back? That enough was enough?
Silence is concession folks. If no one knows that a tree fell down in a forest has it still fallen? the answer is infact yes. So now that we have your attention it is time to speak up! Let’s rid entertainment industry of programming that places the Black community in a negative light. I challenge anyone reading this to start a petition against Viacom. Viacom is the corporation that owns VH1 and other notable stations that are flooding our mainstream media with negative images of the Black community and aesthetic. I challenge you to speak up. Until you do you will never know the power you truly hold.
Be Priceless
-Jamece Hackett