The App That Let’s You Recall Text Messages & The Brilliant Young Woman Behind It

“I didn’t mean to send that! Ugh, I wish I could recall that last text message.” Now you can!
Have you ever had a text message that you wished you hadn’t sent? Do you find yourself sending messages when you’ve had a few too many while out with the girls (or the guys)? Or you send the message meant for your significant other to your parents? Now maybe your situation isn’t as drastic, but everyone has at least had a typo courtesy of auto-correct. Well the, On Second Thought app, is exactly what you need.
This app, created by Maci Peterson, allows you to send and receive text messages, but also to also edit them or recall text messages before it makes it to the other person’s phone. Funny thing is I have seen people ask for this app over and over. There is even a curfew feature, which allows you to compose messages but while curfew is in effect they won’t be sent.
During my interview with app creator Maci Peterson, it made me think of jail for your messages. Check out our chat below!
ChicDivaGeek (CDG): First off thank you for taking time out to talk to me
Maci Peterson (MP): Sure no problem
CDG: How did you come up with the idea for the app?
MP: “Well I was going on a first date with this guy, and we were going to get together in Maryland, but I wanted to move it to DC. So I text him and what I wanted to say was you are in DC or in MD? And he’s a really strong Christian. But the autocorrect changed it to are you in DC or are you in me?”
CDG: Ohhh nooo!
MP: Yeah, he replied I am in MD at my grandmother’s house, I’ll see you in DC.
CDG: Hopefully grandma wasn’t over his shoulder when he read that.
Now that we’ve got the back-story on what inspired it, I wondered what inspired it, so let’s get into my next question. I did a little digging on the app, I went to the site, by the way I love a functional website. I see that the app is currently in beta and is available Google Play, any plans to make it available migrate it towards iOS? Android is great but you have alot of Apple users out there, that’s a huge market.
MP: Yeah so there are over a billion Android users, and there are about 500 million iPhone users so we absolutely intend to be on that platform. I’ve been an iPhone user as long as there has been an iPhone.
CDG: I know it’s a little harder to get apps into the App Store so people tend to go with Google first.
MP: It’s not really that, but the Apple version is much more complex.
CDG: Yeah, using the Apple SDK is a little more complicated.
MP: Yeah, so we hope to have it out there by late spring, Memorial Day weekend.
CDG: Right before all the shenanigans, that’s perfectly timed!
MP: Exactly, because you know people have their summer boos, things can get awkward.
CDG: So how have you been spreading the word about the app, how are you spreading your message? Is it all kind of organic or kind of grown on it’s own?
MP: It’s a bit of a hybrid, to date it’s been mostly press. Thankfully we have one of those stories that people like to tell. And we’re fixing a problem that pretty much everyone has. It has been a blessing, but mostly press. We have some fun new marketing strategies that we’ll be deploying in the next few months but the public will see later this year. We going to be doing product placement in film and television.
CDG: Owww, that is awesome!
This young woman is truly phenomenal, and I’m happy to highlight her during Women’s History Month. She saw a need, and sought to fill it. So often we see the need or think of a cool new idea, but never act on it. I told her she’s going to put BuzzFeed’s text fails off the map with this creation of hers.
Maci received 1st Place at The Kauffman Foundation and UpGlobal SXSW pitch competition in March of 2014. The app was the featured startup at The Summit conference in November 2014 as well as an exhibitor. She is the Invited Featured BETA Startup, Collision Conference coming up in May of this year. So this young lady is on her way and I for one can’t wait to see where she goes!