The Real Face of Racial Profiling: A Poignant PSA that #BlackLivesMatter [VIDEO]

Our Lives Matter. It’s sad we have to send such a reminder when the president of our country looks very much like the young boys in this video, but we do.
The Just Us Project, a new Media-Series created by 25-year-old Filmmaker Kiri Laurelle Davis, has set out to observe and document the emotional and psychological toll of unjust practices are having on youth.
In the “Our Lives Matter” PSA, we get to meet several Black and Latino boys ages 3 to 17, who ask the question “Why are you targeting me?” and give bold reasons as to why “Our Lives Matter.”
Reasons such as, “because I’m a scholar,” and “because I can change the world,” serve as a plea for fair treatment from police and the American Judicial System.
In order to fund and push this video, community organization Rootstrong partnered with Davis. Rootstrong is a non-profit based in Massachusetts that focuses on excellence in multicultural leadership education and development.
Director, Kiri Laurelle Davis is best known for her short film ‘A Girl Like Me’ featuring the Kenneth Clark “doll test” that garnered national attention.
What do you think about this PSA? How does it make you fee?