Wale & Jerry Seinfeld cover ‘Complex’ issues
Wale is currently is gearing up for his new album, The Album About Nothing, in which Jerry Seinfeld is featured. Seinfeld, was the muse for Wale’s critically- acclaimed Mixtape About Nothing. The unlikely pairing of Wale and Jerry is a bromance; their chemistry is undeniable. The two break bread in a diner while discussing twitter (see above clip), strip-club fine dining, success in their respective fields and oddly normcore fashion.
Head over to Complex Magazine for the full interview.
Dear Shy Glizzy: Your Complex Comments Will Cost You : TheBobbyPen.com™
[…] we’re too quick to put under-developed artists in the limelight. With all due respect, even temperamental Wale had a rough start getting out the gate because he would go into interviews blasting that D.C. […]