Windows 10 is Coming | Are You Upgrading?

If you’re reading this post, chances are you are on a Mac computer or a Windows machine. If it’s a Windows computer, then you may or may not have already heard that Microsoft will be releasing a new operating system this year, Windows 10
This week Microsoft held their press event to reveal more about the upcoming operating system. It looks as though they have taken the best features of Windows 8 and Windows 7, and combined them into Windows 10 (You would think they would’ve just went with the next number in sequence for the title, right?).
I have been tinkering with the Windows 10 Technical preview on a virtual machine since it came out, and honestly I like it.
Users have been providing feedback, and Microsoft has been listening. This operating system will be cross-platform, working on both touch devices, regular laptops/desktops and mobile.
Among the new features in Windows 10 is a new web browser, code named Project Spartan. The new browser boasts a distraction free reading view, Cortana (Microsoft’s virtual assistant) integration and the ability to annotate directly on the webpage.
Speaking of Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant is also incorporated into Windows 10. You can talk or type commands to Cortana, and there a variety of options to allow for you to control how it functions.
This isn’t the first bit of news we’re hearing from the technology giant this year. Just a few weeks ago Microsoft announced that it was ending mainstream support for Windows 7. This makes sense since the new operating system will be coming out this year and Windows 8 is still around.
Not to worry though. Did I mention that Microsoft will be offering the Windows 10 upgrade free for the first year to Windows 7 and Windows 8 users? Nice right?
No exact release date has been announced, but as soon as I know you will know.
In the mean time, you can sign up to download the technical preview (beta version) of Windows 10 if you can’t wait to get your hands on it. This will allow you to get a feel for it and, provide feedback to Microsoft on bugs and things you may find wrong with the new operating system.
I wouldn’t recommend doing this on your primary computer. Maybe if you have a spare one laying around, or if you’re a little more technical, you can install it on a virtual machine.
Virtual Box is a program that allows for the creation of a system within a system if that makes sense, you can create a virtual computer, and install the operating system there to see it. The program is free. You can also check out this article for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the install of the Windows 10 technical preview. I’ve got one up and running and so far I’m impressed.
They also introduced, Microsoft HoloLens, HoloLens is a holographic computer, it has no wires, or peripherals. It uses the HPU (Holographic Processing Unit) to put 3-D images into our world, so think of it as a virtual reality computer system but better!