World AIDS Awareness Day: Alicia Keys is Dead to “Buy Life”

David LaChaeplle, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake
, Serena Williams, Usher
, and Elijah Woods are all in on the master plan schemed up by singer Alicia Keys
She came up with this campaign to raise money for the Keep A Child Alive foundation. The project started off by selling Buy Life t-shirts worn by popular artists, but Keys wanted to kick it up a notch. She figures, “You’re always texting your friends anyway. Now you’re going to text to Buy Life.”” The money will go to support medical care and support services for families affected by HIV/AIDS in India and Africa.
To bring your favorite stars back to life text 90999 to donate $10 directly from your cell phone.
The images are a little graphic, but necessary. People should take the virus seriously. Very clever, gang.
I want to emphasize the importance of knowing your status for yourself. People who are infected with HIV/AIDS do not have a “look.” You cannot tell whether someone has it or not, so it is best to always practice safe sex, and to get tested regularly. Today is a great day to step into the light and know your HIV status.