Polaris-All-Out-Adventure-Junket-the-bobby-pen1Brand Content

Polaris Powers Ahead in Power Sports for Diverse Communities [VIDEO]

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Delve into the world of power sports with Polaris as Bobby Pen covers their ALL OUT ADVENTURE in Eugene, Oregon.

In this segment, Bobby Pen interviews Joey Lindahl, Polaris Marketing Manager, about the purpose behind this experience. We discuss the company’s desire to serve underrepresented communities like women, younger riders and minorities. Additionally, I dug into the criminality of #BikeLife in urban settings, including rapper Meek Mill’s recent one-year jail sentence that prompted his new Justice Reform initiative.

Polaris Senior Lead Industrial Designer, Tiger Bracy, also talks about the unique design of the popular Polaris Slingshot found outside of urban nightclubs around the country and in Rap music videos.

Please enjoy my Press Junket coverage above and stay tuned for my up close and personal ridealong vlog.

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