
How To Know When To Toss Your Beauty Products

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I know it may be difficult to part with your favorite beauty product, but is it causing you more harm than good? I’m sure most of my followers tout that they have had their favorite lipstick or foundation for years, but did you realize that that product may be the reason your skin is breaking out? Just like food, makeup has an expiration date. Following these tips will ensure you get the most out of your beauty products, and help improve your skin’s condition.

[row][one_fourth]Pro Tip: If you are bad at remembering dates like I am, it can be overwhelming to remember when you first opened a product. Taking a sharpie and writing the month and year on the product, or keeping a calendar with just your beauty products will ensure you won’t use them past their prime. [/one_fourth][three_fourths]Believe it or not, most makeup products have an expiration date posted on them. It will be listed on the bottom of your bottle as a little jar with an open lid with a number and the letters “M” or “Y. “The letters stand for months (M) or years (Y) and the number in front represents the number of months or years respectively. This is known as the shelf life of a product.  Pop quiz: When will this bronzer below go bad?

Photo: drugstoreprincess.com

If you answered 12 months from opening this package you are a winner! The reason most brands use this expiration date system is because the product doesn’t initially go bad until it has been exposed to air.  So if you do stock on a super sale at Ulta or Sephora, you won’t have to worry that the products you are purchasing are already expired.

The only major exception to this rule are products with SPF. All products containing SPF will have dated expirations because of the ingredients used to block UVA/UVB rays. So what happens when you look at the bottom of the bottle and you don’t see either of these shelf life indicators? Have no worries. I’ve got you covered![/three_fourths][/row]

[row][one_fourth]Pro Tip: Never share your mascara.  Every time you are putting that wand back in the tube, you are letting in bacteria. Your nice, compact, dark tube of mascara can exacerbate that bacterial growth if everyone and their momma is using it.  If you must share, do not double dip, and try to use disposable wand when available.  [/one_fourth][three_fourths] Just because these products don’t have a listed shelf life doesn’t mean you can use them til the wheels fall off. The last thing you want happening is getting contact dermatitis because your lipstick was past it’s prime.

Photo: wahmwithlipstick.blogspot.com

A lot of these products, we are putting near the most sensitive parts of our faces. With that in mind, it may be a lot easier to part with your mascara than risk a costly eye infection. I know a lot of my followers forget that these products can create a natural breeding ground for bacteria. The chart above list built in expiration dates for common beauty products. Using this chart above will keep you in the clear from having an allergic reaction. [/three_fourths][/row]

In short, take care of your skin. The last thing you want from your name brand foundation is an acne breakout. So when in doubt, toss it out! As always stay priceless.

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